Sunday, September 26, 2010


Fig Diversity Event

"I would be more afraid to fight an African-American than a Jewish person."

I was unable to attend the Diversity Event, so I haven’t heard all the options. However, the ones that were emailed to me were all pretty shocking, thought provoking, and all could be answered in an unavoidable offensive way. It’s difficult to answer any of them because I feel like any position I take is going to seem racist. Out of my options I chose “I would be more afraid to fight an African-American rather than a Jewish person.” My opinion on this would be, Yes, I would be more afraid to fight an African-American than a Jewish person. I’d be more afraid to fight an African-American person based on their physical appearance, compared to the average Jewish person’s physical appearance. However, it’s difficult to make a decision on this topic because African-American is a race, and anyone of any race can be Jewish or any other religion. But in most cases (in my stereotypical opinion), an African-American will probably be more physically fit than a Jewish person. Most African-Americans are more physically fit than others and have the stereotype of being “tougher”. I also believe that they have a more known reputation of being involved with physical violence.

I was not present at the event, but I was told that the opposing viewers basically said that they disagreed because it would just be giving into a stereotype, and they didn’t want to do that. But, seriously? I think that their positions might change if they were actually put into the situation.

At the same time though, I feel like there is no correct answer to this scenario. Ignoring stereotypes, it’s basically asking me who do I have more “hatred” for?.. African-Americans? Or Jewish people? To make an argument out of this you have to use stereotypes because otherwise it wouldn’t matter who you fought. So technically, it would be fair. But in my in my opinion, based on stereotypes, I would still rather fight the Jewish person rather than the African-American person.

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